Monday, 20 July 2015

Bill & Merri's Excellent Adventure

A Secret I-90 Lewis & Clark Interpretive & Keelboat Center?
Yeah, and then these two stoned dudes pointed us in your direction. Hey, you two doing anything after your shifts are up?

Yes, Tucker, Clark was a pioneer. Of invented spelling. 

Look, Ben! Lewis & Clark camped in tents, just like us!
Or not.

Tucker, do you know what this trip meant to Science? It meant actual advances in the field of Science.
A dog!  Just what this story needed.
Hey - you brothers want to hang out with a couple of familiari?

Oh, uh...we can see you are busy...

Well, how do you think it feels to be locked here in an eternal struggle, embodying the concept of "nature red in tooth and claw"?  I used to write poetry in the style of the romantics, mainly Burns and Browning.  I strove to capture the natural grace and sublimity of the prairie, its sights, sounds, and scent. My muse is being seriously compromised by this, let me tell you.

Hey, Ben...ever notice how prairie dogs kinda look like badgers?

Badgers!? Why, if it weren't for this glass case, I'd gnaw that smirk right off your face.
Maybe "Ree" means "Patronizing and Frankly Exploitative Gesture of an Alien Invader."

So how did that whole peace thing work out?

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